
What Are Chapters?

We want you to create a Biology Bowl chapter at your school! Your chapter could be a new club at your school or a subdivision of an existing club (e.g. Biology Olympiad club). Becoming a chapter gives the club numerous benefits from the IBB. Moreover, it spreads interest in biology and emphasizes collaboration amongst chapter members!

If you require assistance in making a biology club or IBB chapter at your school, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Chapter Expectations

  • Must be a new or existing biology-related club
  • Chapter captains should teach and train the rest of their team/chapter in the biological sciences to allow for the overall growth of all members
  • Chapter captains should promote IBB events and competitions to its members and within the school as a whole through means including, but not limited to, social media, physical flyers, word-of-mouth, etc.

Chapter Benefits

  • Access to unused and unreleased USABB and IBB Bowl Round questions along with answers.
  • Access to online presentations about various topics from biology clubs across the nation in the material tested.
  • Access to online handouts about various topics in the material tested.
  • The chapter will be featured on the IBB website.

Ready to sign up?

Fill out the registration form to save your spot at the International Biology Bowl!